Between glass walls (2011 year)

poezija, knyga, knygos, už stiklo sienų, gediminas bytautas, poetry book, between glass walls

In 2011, the publishing house “Spruce” (originally “Eglė”) released the second poetry book of Gediminas Bytautas, named – “Between glass walls”, (originally “Už stiklo sienų”).(

About “Between glass walls” book:

Autorius: Gediminas Bytautas

Category: poetry

Language: lithuanian

Pages: 79

Cover: soft

Edition: 1000 units

Publisher: Spruce publishers (originally “Eglė”)

Published: 2011 m. Klaipėda, Lithuania

Painter: Gediminas Bytautas

On cover: authors painting “Fence

Editor: Antanas Stanevičius

Designer: Inga Matač

ISBN code: ISBN 978-6094-32-019-4

Publisher about “Between glass walls” book:

This is the second book of poems by Gediminas Bytautas. The first – “My own gospel” – released at EGLĖS publishing house in 2007. The poems are full of inner rebellion against himself and the world and have enough self-irony. Poems harmoniously complement the artist’s paintings and graphic works. Author has taken paint spontaneously, finding in it the joy of life and creativity

This poetry book you can buy:

This poetry book currently available in Lithuania bookstores, internet books stores, from publisher and from author. Read – in all major lithuanian libraries.